Monday, January 8, 2007

George Bush and Saddam Hussein: The Unmistakable parrallels!

<< "A former State Department diplomat summed up Bush's rule in one sentence: ‘Bush is acting like a dictator who is ready to sacrifice his country, just so long as he can remain in the White House. He defies the will of his own people and has assumed powers of surveillance and secrecy that used to found in the Kremlin.’"

"The American people are forced to consume a daily diet of triumphalist slogans doled out by the media and fattened by fawning praise of the president from a chorus of highly paid commentators."

"He is portrayed as a pious crusader leading Christians into battle against the infidels. Evoking the glory of God and divine guidance, Bush claims to be leading his people to new glory."

"The reality looks very different. The U.S. is nearly bankrupt, saddled with an unprecedented debt. It is bogged down in an unwinnable Civil War that Bush continues to throw lives and billions of dollars into."

"George W. Bush remains largely isolated from his people, keeping the company of a diminishing circle of trusted advisers." >>

OOPS! The above isn't an actual "news story" - but ironically, it is THE NEWS STORY of the past 6 years, the past 15 years if you look at the right-wing agenda from 1991 (when the Soviet Union collapsed, robbing the Radical, reactionary Right of their half-century communist enemy), the willingness to DISCARD THE PEACE AND PROGRESS of America's Cold War "victory" for constant and incessant MILITARISM in the name of god, profit, and "free market capitalism", of course.


Bush in the Bunker
Submitted by Mark on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 7:29am. Editorials

In reading a BBC News Profile of Saddam Hussein from 2001, we couldn’t help but be struck by some eerie points of nexuses with George W. Bush:

"A former Iraqi diplomat living in exile summed up Saddam's rule in one sentence: ‘Saddam is a dictator who is ready to sacrifice his country, just so long as he can remain on his throne in Baghdad.’"

"The Iraqi people are forced to consume a daily diet of triumphalist slogans, fattened by fawning praise of the president."

"He is portrayed as a valiant knight leading the Arabs into battle against the infidel, or as an eighth-century caliph who founded the city of Baghdad. Evoking the glory of Arab history, Saddam claims to be leading his people to new glory.

The reality looks very different. Iraq is bankrupt."

"Saddam Hussein remains largely isolated from his people, keeping the company of a diminishing circle of trusted advisers."

Okay, Bush hasn’t been as tyrannical and murderous to Americans as Saddam Hussein was (with the complicity of the Reagan/Bush administrations in the ‘80s), but consider just a slight rewording of the above excerpted description of Hussein:

"A former State Department diplomat summed up Bush's rule in one sentence: ‘Bush is acting like a dictator who is ready to sacrifice his country, just so long as he can remain in the White House. He defies the will of his own people and has assumed powers of surveillance and secrecy that used to found in the Kremlin.’"

"The American people are forced to consume a daily diet of triumphalist slogans doled out by the media and fattened by fawning praise of the president from a chorus of highly paid commentators."

"He is portrayed as a pious crusader leading Christians into battle against the infidels. Evoking the glory of God and divine guidance, Bush claims to be leading his people to new glory."

"The reality looks very different. The U.S. is nearly bankrupt, saddled with an unprecedented debt. It is bogged down in an unwinnable Civil War that Bush continues to throw lives and billions of dollars into."

"George W. Bush remains largely isolated from his people, keeping the company of a diminishing circle of trusted advisers."

Uh, the similarities are kind of creepy aren’t the? And both men appear to get a thrill out of death and the macabre. (Uh, make that the past tense for Saddam.)

We recently ran across of an account of a meeting that Bush had with a Democratic senate leader before the Iraq War. In essence, Bush justified the Iraq War because Saddam won’t "F**kin" dance to the tune of the U.S.

Only 11% of Americans reportedly support an escalation of troops. The Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously opposed the idea. The list of even Republican honchos opposing an increase in the number of troops far outnumbers the scattering of remaining Bushevik loyalists. A "study group" engineered by Bush’s father came up with recommendations that would lead to a decrease in U.S. GIs, but Bush rejected the "centrist" findings with a dismissive disdain.

It is Bush and Cheney against the world.

They are in the bunker now, surrounded by enemy forces – not the Iraqis, but the overwhelming majority of Americans.

We have a runaway Executive Branch that is operating in its own self-interest against the wishes and needs of its citizens.

The increase in troops in Iraq will be a death warrant for many of the additional GIs sent to Baghdad. This is not a political decision; it is murder.

The sociopath, reportedly, sleeps soundly every night.

It’s all quiet in the bunker as the world is further set aflame.

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